Friday, 7 September 2012

Few things I learnt from you

“Everything and everyone in this world is beautiful, just see it the way it deserves to be seen…
”-a one line philosophy of my life. I believe that everyone is special and is gifted with some unique qualities. By qualities here I refer to the ones which form a person’s character, nature and behaviour. If you have some observational skills you may find it all around you, amongst your friends. I have seen people following and copying great personalities of the history. However I feel if you observe people around you only, you’ll get many things to learn, and it is always more practical to follow a common man than some great one. So here in this post, I am summarizing some of the things which I learnt from “you”. You may think them to be extremely philosophical or weird, but giving a deep thought will somewhat convince you that these things are valid in today’s world. Some tips to be happy-

Have multiple “BEST FRIENDS”:
The statement “have multiple/many best friends” is grammatically incorrect. The very definition of best means that it can be just one in number. But the days of Jai-Veeru and Heer-Ranjha type friendships are now gone. The world today is so fast, busy and selfish, that when you need your best friend, many a times he isn’t available to you. You would have surely felt one such moment when your best friend has intentionally or unintentionally hurt you. These days’ people have many good friends and enjoy with one when the other is not available. I have even heard statements like-‘I have 3 best friends or 4 best friends’. Here there is one thing to keep in mind- all these friends are best but no one is special.

Talk Much, Share Less: 
In my childhood I was taught that people who talk a lot are good at heart and have pure thoughts, because talkative people share everything whatever they have in their mind. But in today’s world the more you share your life or secrets, the more the problems you’ll face. People will surely backstab you at some point of time in your life for the things which they know about you. This backstabbing can be in the form of a small comment which will shake you from top to toe. Also the more you share with someone, the more emotional attachment you develop. And believe me this “emotional attachment” is the worst disease. In today’s professional world you will have to talk a lot, but do this talking by mind, not by heart.

Enjoy the present, Forget the past:
What to say about this, it’s a well known fact. But I have one point to make here, what things to forget from the past? People say forget the bad memories because keeping them with you will always hurt. But I feel keeping the good memories also hurts. These good memories are very typical things, they may fill your face with laughter or even your eyes with tears. It depends on how and in what conditions you are remembering them. I feel that after a certain period of time even these good memories start hurting because something or the other happens to the person or persons who were a part of that memory( this happening may be as simple as breaking of a relationship).

Never Fall (for anyone):
In very simple words-falling always hurts. Be down to earth in your behaviour but never let anyone conquer you. Don’t develop extreme attachment or feelings for someone. The people are too ignorant to understand you, even if they understand you they are too rude to care and even if they care, they are too busy to carry it on. Once you fall you become like a coin which is kicked from here to there. If you are lucky enough someone may pick you up, but even he won’t kiss you.

These things are not exactly my mind’s creation. I have observed them in real life and just attempted to provide some explanations in the context of today’s world.
Although I have written these points, I haven’t been able to follow them yet nor I am planning to follow because- “khush rahne me bs khushi hai, par gam me zindagi hai..

Criticisation welcomed... :)


  1. a much better article. needs some work here and there but badhiya chaap rae ho...

    - mayank

  2. baatein samjhdari bhari hain..but mere yaar itni samjh lagaega to jee nahi paega...unexpected incidents n accidents are the beauty of life....thinking can be practical and it can surely make ur life easy...but there is huge difference in easy life and happy life let the flow of life take u to ur me u will automatically start enjoying the journey

    1. i am enjoying the life.... :) just note how I concluded the post.. i wrote it because i wanted to write it :P

  3. ultimate..fabulous..keep writing..someone's always be reading! :D
