Sunday, 2 September 2012

The Magical Sticks!!

Yesterday morning at 5, I saw a group of students working hard with some wooden sticks, trying to arrange and fix them in a manner to challenge the destructive earthquake waves. Seeing them I remembered the Takneek of my first year ie. Takneek’10. In a manner similar to these guys and at the same time of the day ,me and my friends were busy in showing our best of working skills and applying all sorts of physical and mathematical logics to build an earthquake resistant building without having any knowledge of Engineering. We were one of the two teams, who were representing our pool Mauryans in Tremor.

The story started with a highly motivating GBM, instilling in us the wish to learn all the engineering skills in few weeks. We attended all the lectures of Electronics and Robotics as everyone does. We were about to participate in some robotics events but the coordinators conducted a quiz to test our knowledge and we were out. We were really in a sad situation because now we had nothing to participate in our first technical competition. In a depressed mental state and saying all sorts of foul words to the coordinators, we were lazily browsing through the Takneek website. Suddenly one of my friends pointed towards the 30 point event Tremor. The problem statement was to design an earthquake resistant building model using wooden sticks. Initially we were not all interested in a boring civil engineering event but the thought of winning 30 points right away for our Hall lead us into it. We discussed with our wingies and came to know that none from our batch was participating in the event. We were now seeing it as a real golden opportunity to do something cool. We studied the given problem statement and all the literature suggested thoroughly. The deadline to submit the abstract was only three days away. I still remember how we called the coordinators more than 10 times everyday, raising questions, discussing with them and clarifying our doubts. Even one of the coordinators gave us a short tutorial on earthquake engineering. Somehow with the new concepts learned and from the old concepts of centre of mass and stability we prepared our design. We also had to submit the simulation model of the design suggested but having less time we just drew the projections of it on some A3 sheets. When we submitted the abstract to the coordinators, they were stunned by the TA drawing skills of my roomie Sravan. But there only we came to know, that there were 3 more teams participating in it from our hall and they were all 2nd yearites. Our all dreams just shattered. But the next day turned out really special for us. Two abstracts were selected from our hall and ours was one amongst them. Even the coordinators appraised our work a lot.

We got the material two days before judging. As we had no prior experience in wood work, we contacted some of our seniors. They not only came with us, but remained with us till the end. With two nite-outs and a lot of hard work, we completed our design well before the judging of the event. When we reached with our model in the testing laboratory, one of the assistants there seeing its strength and stability said-“It will not break even if it is kept for 5 mins on the shcok table.” We were overwhelmed. Finally the competition started and we saw the models collapsing, breaking and falling on the ground. When our model was placed on the table, all of us were red with nervousness. But the assistant was correct, nothing happened to our building even when it was tested for 1 minute duration. We were now sure that we have a fair good chance of winning. Finally the results were declared, and guess what we were first. All the happiness showered on us from the skies. And to add to our joy, the other team from our hall was declared second. We were super excited now and even started “Hall 3 ka tempo high hai”, in the lab itself.

We returned to our hall, carrying those unharmed buildings as our trophies and shouting and cheering with our full effort. We came and placed the models in the quard. A large group of students surrounded us, praising our efforts and congratulating us. There was a sudden wave of joy in the Hall because of the 48 points which we won in a single shot. After this whole episode, I developed a huge interest in civil engineering. Earlier I used to think that it is just about putting one brick on top of the other, but now I realised that it is much more than that. It is a complex and wonderful science without which our lives will become helpless.

That one week of Takneek has a very special significance in my life because there only, for the first time I learnt how good and helpful are the seniors of IITK and also about the amazing feeling of respect which you get after doing something for your Hall.

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